10 astuces pour économiser de l'argent en tant qu'étudiant

Being a student can be difficult financially, especially if you live in an expensive city. Fortunately, there are ways to save money and manage your finances efficiently. Here are 5 tips for saving money as a student.

Avoid eating outdoors

Eating out can be tempting, but it can quickly become expensive. Instead, prepare your own meals at home. Shop in bulk to save money on food staples and prepare simple, healthy meals for the week. You can also plan your meals in advance to avoid wasting food.

Uses public transport

Public transport can be an economical way to get around town. Monthly subscriptions are often cheaper than individual tickets and can save you money in the long run. What’s more, walking or cycling can be good alternatives for getting around while getting some exercise.

Save money on school books

School books can be expensive, but there are ways to get them for less. Before buying new books, look for used ones online or at the university bookshop. You can also share books with friends and classmates to save money.

Take advantage of student offers

Many companies offer special deals for students, such as discounts on clothing or meals. Don’t hesitate to ask if a company has a student offer, and show your student ID to benefit from discounts.

Control your spending

Controlling your spending can help you save money in the long run. Use an expense tracking app to monitor your monthly expenses and identify areas where you can save money. For example, you can limit your spending on entertainment or cut back on travel.

Visit museums and art galleries for free

Many museums and art galleries offer free or reduced-price admission for students. Find out what’s on offer and take the opportunity to discover new artists and interesting exhibitions.

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Fais du covoiturage pour tes déplacements

Carpooling is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly way of getting around town or making long journeys. Use carpooling websites or apps to find drivers who share the same route as you, and split the cost of transport.

Prevents impulse buying

Impulse purchases can be costly and can make you spend money you don’t have. Before you buy something, ask yourself if you really need it or if it’s just a passing fancy. Think about it for a few days before making a decision.

Save on bank charges

Bank fees can add up quickly and cost you money. Find out which banks and accounts offer low fees or free accounts for students. Avoid overdraft charges by regularly monitoring your account and avoiding purchases you can’t afford.

Take part in free or low-cost events

Free or low-cost events can help you get out and have fun without paying too much. Find out about events organized by your university or city, such as outdoor concerts or film screenings. Tu peut aussi t’intéresser au évènement organisés par Erasmus place.

By following these tips, you can save money as a student and manage your finances effectively. Don’t hesitate to share these tips with your friends and classmates to help them save money too!