Les plus beaux marchés de Lille

Why go to the market?

Going to the market offers an authentic experience where you can discover a variety of fresh local produce, meet passionate artisans and support the local economy. What’s more, it’s the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the lively and colorful atmosphere of everyday life in the city, while sampling regional products and making unique finds.

Going to the market is also a great way to save money, as fresh, local produce is available at affordable prices.

Part of Lille’s history

From the 13th century onwards, Lille became the main regional market, hosting an annual fair that attracted merchants from all over Europe. This annual fair has helped make Lille one of the region’s most important commercial centers, playing a key role in its expansion and influence over the centuries.

Today, although the fair and the regional market have disappeared, Lille’s markets are still central to the city’s social and economic life. They bear witness to the region’s trading tradition and the importance of agriculture. Many of Lille’s markets have become institutions over the years, helping to shape the city’s identity and character.

Top markets in Lille

Wazemmes market

Photo Thomas Lo Presti

When: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7am to 1pm and Sundays from 7am to 2pm

Where: Pl. Nouvelle Aventure, 59000 Lille

For over a century, this market has been a Lille institution. You’ll find everything you need: fruit, vegetables, herbs, beauty products, trinkets, textiles, leather goods, kitchen utensils, organic products, rotisseries and exotic food stalls. All at unbeatable prices.

On Sunday mornings, the market can accommodate up to 400 stalls, making it Lille’s busiest market. With sometimes 50,000 visitors in half a day (agoraphobes, please), it perfectly embodies the effervescence and diversity of life in Lille. It will awaken all your senses: sight with its colorful stalls, smell with the bewitching perfumes that will tickle your nostrils, and hearing with its vibrant, lively atmosphere.

Old Lille Market

Photo https://www.lille.fr/Nos-equipements/Marche-du-Vieux-Lille

When: Wednesdays, Fridays and Sunday mornings from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

where: Pl. du Concert, 59800 Lille

Going to the Vieux-Lille market one morning means experiencing the friendly atmosphere of the North of France. At this human-sized market (around 80 stalls) you’ll find everything from textiles and confectionery to organic and regional produce, cheese, butchers, rotisseries and much more. Des produits asiatiques et orientaux côtoient également tous these local products. Un avantage est particulièrement à souligner : sa localisation. Vieux-Lille offers a magnificent backdrop to the market. Admittedly, prices are slightly higher than in Wazemmes, but the beauty of the place is worth it.

Old Stock Exchange Market

Saber68, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

When: Tuesday to Sunday, 1 to 7 p.m.

Where : Pl. du Général de Gaulle, 59000 Lille

Nestled in the remarkable inner courtyard of the Vieille Bourse, this is a paradise for vintage and brocante fans. Posters, books, vinyl, comics, old newspapers, knick-knacks of all kinds – you’re bound to find something that catches your eye. And don’t feel guilty: it’s second-hand. What’s more, it’s not just the merchandise that’s worth discovering: the prestigious décor is a discovery in itself. A must if you’re heading for the Grand Place!

Halles de Wazemmes

Velvet, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

When: Tuesday to Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Where : Pl. Nouvelle Aventure, 59000 Lille

This covered market with over 25 traders is open almost all week, so it’s very practical. In addition to the classic greengrocers and butchers, you’ll find bakeries, an Italian grocery, a crêperie and a Thai delicatessen. The answer to all your needs! Knowing that these halls opened their doors in 1869, you can be sure of the quality of the products on offer.

Marché Sébastopol

Photo Baptiste Hermant

When: Wednesdays and Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Où : Pl. Sébastopol, 59000 Lille

Simple and discreet, it has nothing to envy Lille’s other big markets, but the calm atmosphere and the backdrop provided by the Théâtre Sébastopol make it a must for Lille’s markets. In terms of stalls, you’ll find the great classics as well as more original exhibitors: greengrocers, farm producers, pizzas, world cuisine, organic and regional products, butchers, cheesemongers…

Marché de Fives

Via https://www.lille.fr/Nos-equipements/Marche-de-Fives

When: Sundays from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Où : Pl. Madeleine Caulier, 59800 Lille

Away from the hustle and bustle of Wazemmes, this market features some forty stalls, run by a variety of stallholders, from greengrocers to clothes and beautiful flowers. It’s the ideal place to do your Sunday morning market in peace, then enjoy a coffee in one of the shops surrounding the square.

Marché de Noël

Guillaume Baviere, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/, via Flickr

When: November 20 to December 29, 2024, 11 am to 8 pm (10 am to 8 pm on Sundays)

Où : Pl. Rihour, 59800 Lille

Lille’s Christmas market is a winter wonderland in the middle of the city, an event not to be missed. Nothing like a visit to rekindle the holiday spirit! Fondue, waffles, mulled wine, churros, tartiflettes, gingerbread, crepes or pretzels – the hardest part is choosing. And don’t forget to take home a gift for your family or friends (or for yourself – you’ve got to treat yourself!). Whether it’s a local delicacy, a pretty decoration or a new accessory, it’s sure to please!

To discover more markets, click here.