établissement d'enseignement supérieur

Hi there! Today, we’re going to talk about the different types of higher education establishments in France. You know, there are a variety of options for continuing your education after high school. So let’s get to work and discover the different types of establishments available to you!

Universities: Open to all

Universities in France are public higher education establishments offering a wide range of courses. Whether you’re interested in the sciences, languages, arts, humanities, social sciences or other fields, you can find a program that matches your interests. Universities offer a great deal of freedom in the choice of courses and allow you to create your own course of study.

University career paths

One of the strengths of universities is their diversity. You can choose from a wide range of disciplines and specializations, and even combine different areas of study if you wish. This gives you the opportunity to explore your passions and develop expertise in the areas that interest you most.

Universities emphasize theoretical teaching, but also offer opportunities to participate in research projects and internships. This allows you to put into practice what you’ve learned in class and develop skills that are essential for your future career. Universities often have partnerships with companies and institutions, which can open doors to professional opportunities and networks.

Why study at university?

As a university student, you’ll also have access to a wide range of resources and facilities, including libraries, laboratories, research centers and sports facilities. These facilities can enrich your university experience and help you deepen your knowledge in your field of study.

The university is also a place for meetings and exchanges. You’ll have the opportunity to meet students from different backgrounds, which promotes cultural diversity and intercultural exchange. Universities often organize social activities, student clubs and events, allowing you to get involved in student life and make lasting friendships.

University admission criteria

Finally, it’s important to note that universities in France have different admission criteria for different programs and streams. Make sure you understand the specific requirements and admission procedures for the programs that interest you.

Grandes Ecoles: French-style prestige

Grandes Ecoles are renowned for offering high-quality training in fields such as engineering, management, business, law and many others. These schools are often selective and require rigorous entrance exams. But if you’re up to the challenge, the grandes écoles can offer you exceptional opportunities.

The difference between universities and grandes écoles?

What sets the grandes écoles apart is their hands-on approach to learning. The programs are designed to provide you with specific skills and in-depth knowledge in your field of study. You’ll benefit from comprehensive training tailored to the demands of the professional world.

Another feature of the grandes écoles is their close links with the business world. Many of these schools have partnerships with well-known companies and offer internships and networking opportunities. This allows you to develop a solid professional network and gain valuable practical experience even before you graduate. Please note that most of them are not free of charge.

Why study at a grande école?

France’s grandes écoles have a long tradition of academic excellence. They are often ranked among the best schools internationally and enjoy an enviable reputation. Graduates of the grandes écoles are highly valued on the job market, both in France and abroad. They are often considered to have cutting-edge expertise and the ability to solve complex problems.

In addition to academic excellence, the grandes écoles also offer a stimulating and competitive environment. You’ll be surrounded by talented and motivated students, which will push you to excel and reach your full potential. Grandes Ecoles also encourage entrepreneurship and innovation, preparing you for the challenges of tomorrow.

Admission criteria for a grande école

It’s important to note that each grande école has its own specificities and areas of expertise. That’s why it’s essential to do thorough research to find the school that best matches your aspirations and interests. Selection is usually based on academic results and motivation.

University Institutes of Technology (IUT): A hands-on culture

University Institutes of Technology are higher education establishments offering short, professional training courses in various technical and tertiary fields. Whether you’re interested in IT, civil engineering, business, marketing or other fields, you’ll find a DUT (University Technology Diploma) that matches your aspirations.

Special features of IUTs

The distinctive feature of IUTs is their practice-oriented approach to teaching. Theoretical courses are complemented by practical work, hands-on projects and internships. This enables you to develop practical, operational skills right from the start of your studies, making you directly employable after graduation.

IUTs also have strong links with the professional world. Many of our programs are developed in close collaboration with partner companies, ensuring that our courses are in tune with the needs of the job market. Internships are an integral part of the curriculum, enabling you to put your knowledge into practice while gaining valuable professional experience.

In addition to internships, IUTs often offer concrete project opportunities in collaboration with local companies or institutions. These projects enable you to apply your skills in a real-life context and work in a team on real-life issues. This gives you a head start in terms of adaptability and understanding of professional issues.

IUTs also emphasize the development of cross-disciplinary skills such as communication, project management and teamwork. These skills are essential in the professional world and prepare you to face the challenges of the job market.

As far as further study is concerned, IUTs generally offer the possibility of pursuing a professional degree or engineering school. This progression allows you to deepen your knowledge in your field of specialization and move up to positions of greater responsibility.

Preparatory classes for grandes écoles (CPGE)

Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles are selective and demanding courses that prepare you for the entrance exams to the grandes écoles. Whether you want to go into engineering, science, humanities or other fields, the CPGE provides you with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills.

The main advantage of CPGEs is their in-depth, intensive teaching. Passionate and competent teachers guide you in acquiring a solid general culture and a thorough mastery of essential subjects. Classes are delivered in an interactive way, encouraging your active participation and pushing you to give your best.

CPGE also emphasizes the development of essential skills such as rigor, critical analysis and complex problem-solving. Practical exercises, supervised homework and regular exams prepare you for the demands of the entrance exams and enable you to make continuous progress.

The special features of CPGE

In addition to theoretical courses, CPGEs often offer tutorials and practical work sessions. These hands-on sessions allow you to deepen your knowledge and consolidate your understanding of the concepts taught. You’ll also have the opportunity to take part in research projects or scientific activities, enriching your experience and enabling you to put into practice what you’ve learned.

Another advantage of CPGE is the stimulating environment it offers. You’ll be surrounded by ambitious, motivated students, creating an atmosphere of emulation and hard work. Intellectual exchanges and enriching discussions with your classmates will broaden your horizons and develop your critical thinking skills.

It’s important to stress that CPGEs are not just about academics. They also encourage involvement in extra-curricular activities such as student clubs, sports competitions or humanitarian projects. These experiences outside the classroom help you to develop your talents, strengthen your leadership skills and stand out from the competition jury.

Art schools

Art colleges offer specialized training in a variety of artistic disciplines, including painting, sculpture, photography, design, ceramics, fashion and many more. Whether you dream of becoming an emerging artist, a renowned designer or a museum curator, these schools are here to support you on your artistic journey.

One of the major assets of art schools is their creative and experimental approach to learning. They encourage artistic freedom, the exploration of new techniques and personal expression. You’ll have the opportunity to develop your own artistic language and explore the limits of your creativity.

Art schools also place a strong emphasis on hands-on artistic practice. You’ll spend a lot of time in the workshops, experimenting and working on your artistic projects. Whether it’s painting on canvas, creating sculptures or performing, you’ll be immersed in an environment that’s conducive to the expression of your artistic vision.

Another exciting aspect of art school is the interaction with other artists and experienced teachers. You’ll have the chance to collaborate with talented artists, exchange ideas, receive constructive criticism and feed off the surrounding creativity. These exchanges foster your artistic growth and open up new perspectives.

The specificities of art schools

Art schools are often rooted in dynamic artistic and cultural networks. They organize exhibitions, conferences and art events that allow you to present your work to the public and immerse yourself in the local and international art scene. These opportunities give you visibility and help you make connections in the art world.

It is important to note that art colleges also encourage critical and theoretical reflection on art. Courses in art history, aesthetic philosophy and art theory will enrich your understanding of the artistic context in which you work. This theoretical approach feeds your artistic reflection and strengthens your legitimacy as an artist.

National Schools of Architecture

These schools offer specialized training in the field of architecture, combining both the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to become a qualified architect.

Écoles Nationales Supérieures d’Architecture are renowned for their rigorous academic programs focusing on the fundamentals of architectural design, construction, urban planning and the history of architecture. These schools allow you to develop your technical, creative and conceptual skills while learning about the environmental, social and cultural issues that influence the practice of architecture.

Specific features of national schools of architecture

Architectural studies at an ENSA generally last five years and are divided into two cycles: the first cycle, called the “licence”, lasts three years and provides a theoretical and practical grounding in architectu The second cycle, called “master”, lasts two years and allows you to specialize further in a specific area of architecture.

During your studies at ENSA, you’ll have the opportunity to work on concrete projects, take part in design workshops, explore different architectural approaches and collaborate with other students and architecture professionals. ENSAs also emphasize professional internships, field visits and international exchanges to enrich your experience and broaden your architectural perspective.

It is important to note that admission to the Écoles Nationales Supérieures d’Architecture is by competitive examination. Entrance examinations often include evaluation of an application file, completion of an architectural project and individual interviews. Selection criteria can vary from one school to another, so it’s essential to find out about the specific requirements of each ENSA.